Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cow Chase!

Yesterday Rosie's dog got out of the house without his leash. This always creates major drama for us! He is almost impossible to catch and of course she gets upset.

Well he decided it would be fun to run across the road and go into the cow pasture. This 12 pound dog then proceeded to chase the cows! It was apparently great fun for him...he chased them to one side of the pasture then the other...until they turned the tables on him! A bull was leading the chase, all while butting at him...Rosie was screaming, I was laughing and wishing I had a video camera. Needless to say he ran out of the fence and came right back to the porch. Maybe he learned his lesson!

Eye Problems Stink!

Here we go again...Lucy has another chalazion. We thought something was going on with her eye again and have now confirmed it. It must be an annual Spring thing for her. Hopefully we caught it early this time, and it won't develop into a nasty one like the last two years.

She was so good at the doctors office, she entertained the nurses with her chatting and didn't mind the doctor looking at her eye. Now we are doing the hot compresses & eye drops 4 times a day. Praying that it'll knock it out soon!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jingle Bells

Laughter LivesThis post is part of "Laughter Lives! Tuesday" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check our their blog to read everyone else's "Laughter Lives!" posts.

D had to work last night so we did our usual routine, got into bed around 8ish read a chapter from The Horse & His Boy, said our prayers and went to sleep. Now if you have heard Lucy pray, you will understand…she prays about everything and everybody she can think of. It is really very sweet to hear. Last night she included a request for a puppy, which really isn’t that out of the ordinary…she has been asking for one for a while now. Shortly after I got the girls to sleep last night (and they were sound asleep) D came home from work and turned the lights on he was holding….yep you guessed it….a puppy! …After their grogginess wore off they were pretty stinkin’ happy as you can imagine. Me on the other hand….not too thrilled!

Personally I didn’t think we needed another dog....We already have two to begin with (Scooby & Mack), and I think I have enough people to take care of ….it’s not like I was dreaming of having three dogs that all want to lay on my lap/climb on my shoulder/bite my hands while I am trying to sew. And I wasn’t really looking forward to having to feed one dog in the front yard, one in the back, and one in the house, or to walk the dogs one at a time (especially when it was so cold this morning). Hmmm…why can’t I take them all out at the same time you ask…well, let me tell you  I tried that last night. It didn’t go very well. It consisted of one dog climbing into the car and refusing to get out, which led to another jerking his leash out of my hand and running into the woods. So after taking the remaining dog inside, I had to go walk into the woods (thanks girls for running down the battery in the flashlight) and find Scooby who had of course tangled himself up around multiple trees.

After getting them all back inside I discover that of course the girls are still awake because they are just too excited to sleep…Thanks dear, thanks a lot! I appreciate it.

Seriously though, it is a cute and sweet puppy (Jack Russell mix) who did not have anywhere to go. Lucy named her Jingle Bells (haha) and she is thrilled to have her ‘own’ dog finally. But I think the girls are going to have to stop praying for animals…first the lizards, now a dog, what’s next?

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Prayer & A Lizard

Rosie & Lucy had drama practice on Wednesday. While there a little girl found a lizard. Rosie wanted one SO bad! I promised to help her look for one when we got home, but I never thought we would really find one.

A few minutes after getting home Rosie was screaming at me that she found her lizard, and that she had just prayed and asked God for it and then then there it was! She was thrilled beyond belief :)

No more than ten minutes later she had found another one! We put them in her butterfly habitat with some leaves, sticks, and dead bugs. Rosie
carried them around with her everywhere she went ~ including to Missionettes :)

We looked up what kind of lizard they were and found that they were green anoles. Apparently they turn brown when they are stressed, which is why we now have brown anoles! I convinced her to keep them for a day and then we let them go yesterday afternoon. It worked out quite nicely though since we are studying reptiles and dinosaurs at school now.

This is the largest and first one she found. Here he is already turning green again after putting him back outside.

Here are both lizards together climbing up to freedom!

Hey Mommy, can I put it in my hair, like on the Parent Trap?
Sure just don't put it in my hair!

She was so proud of them!

A Makeover

Nana was sick one day so Miss Priss was in charge of school :) This is the fun chaos that occurred...

Rosie got a makeover!

I have no idea what was going on here, but it ain't pretty!

Aw, thats better....The finished product~ she looks too old~ I informed them quickly that they were not allowed to do that again!


Spring is Here!

It's beginning to look like Spring around our house! I love Spring and seeing the new life in the plants and animals. It seems like everything is starting over fresh...a time for new beginnings. I hope the cold weather is gone for good this year actually I could do without it all the time, but that is another topic!

The girls and I planted several types of flowers a couple of weeks ago and are hoping to transfer them outside this weekend.

Butterfly bush

A bird's nest in the thorn tree.

Not sure what type of flowers these are, but they are beautiful. We have white and purple ones in the yard.

Buttercup :)

Studying Egypt

This year we have been studying Genesis - Exodus and ancient Egypt. The girls participated in our homeschool group's international dinner. We had a great time with the crafts from Egypt and they have learned a ton. Rosie and Miss Priss know almost all the countries on Africa, & Lucy has learned quite a few herself. It is amazing to see them learning things that I didn't know until I was in college!

The Egyptians loved their cats so much they often mummified them! These are our cat 'toombs'
Making our salt dough map.

Salt dough map of egypt. I love how this turned out. Just a warning if you try and make one of these...it takes a couple of weeks for it to dry!

Making her 'death mask'

Miss Priss~Love your new look!

Rosie's finished 'death mask' If anyone wants instructions on doing this lmk, it was fun but time consuming for the Moms!

Our display at the International Dinner.

More of the display.